The Greek State at War,Part III: Religion

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标签: Greek State War Religion

W. Kendrick Pritchett,The Greek State at War,Part III:Religion,Berkeley,Los Angeles,london:University of California Press,1979.

Chapter 1 religion and greek warfare
U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff在他的Aristoteles und Athen 2(berlin 1893)第85页中认为对Artemis的信仰给了希腊人巨大的力量,同时他批评其他学者忽略希腊战争中宗教因素。P1
E.R.Dodds在他的THE Greeks and the Irrational [Berkeley 1957]第117页中也说,Muses对Hesiod所说的关于Helicon 之事并非仅仅是文学修饰,而是在表达一种实际的体验。Philippides在马拉松战役中看见Pan神和品达看见诸神之母也是类似的。P3

Chapter 2  Military Epiphanies

Chapter 3 The Military Mantike
1. Relation between Strategos and Mantis.将军和预言家的关系

"The seer might have a fatal influence on public opinion." (p.49)
"The situation is well analyzed by K. J. Dover:'The general must go to his experts, the seers and when he has listened to their interpretation he must decide whether to trust them and act on their advice, risking disaster if they turn out to be mistaken, or to defy and overrule them, trusting in his own judgment and risking punishment from gods and men if the seers prove to have understood the divine intention correctly.'" (p.49)

2. MIitary Manteis. 军事预言家
"The manteis were awarded citizenship and other high civic honors, and in the distribution of booty after the battle received special consideration." (p.50)

"One clear indication of the prestige of military manteis is the relatively large number of statues dedicated to them. (p.53)

3. Military Role of the Mantis. 预言家的军事角色

"In addition to his religious activities in warfare in matters of divination, the mantis sometimes played a strategic role, possibly resulting from his long experience in battles and his close association with strategoi.....Sometimes the strategic plan was that of the mantis." (p.56)

4. Divination as a Means of Building Morale. 作为一种鼓舞士气的手段的占卜
"It would be a mistake to regard the interpretation of omens as a mere form utilized by agnostic generals to inspire or restrain their superstitious soldiers. The mantis was expected by the exercise of his art to work success for his clients; and this art involved no little sagacity, evolved both from a knowledge of his techne and his long experience in military matters......he is respected rather as an instrument of divine revelation." (p.58)
"Since the soldiers were controlled by a strong religious sentiment in their formal observance of the omens, the generals at times wished the army to see τα ιερεια" (p.59)
"We have at least one example shere an unfavorable interpretation of the mantis was concealed from the troops by the hegemon for purposes of morale." (p.59)

5. Military Manteis at Athens. 雅典的军事预言家
"So far as the epigraphical evidence goes, it would seem that there was at least one mantis officially designated to serve each annual board of strategoi." (p.62)
"there were manteis who were closely associated with certain prominent leaders in various states. Some manteis seem to have served as advisers to such individuals on all matters relating to religion, including those of a military nature when campaigning." (p.62)

6. Sparta. 斯巴达
"In contrast to Athens, the king might offer the sacrifice, but he was assisted by a mantis, just as in the interpretation of oracles each Spartan king was the keeper of the oracles but was assigned two Πνθιοι who served as messengers to Delphi and were made cognisant of all oracles." (p.67)

7. Financial Remuneration. 金钱上的报酬
"The rewards for successful divination by the military mantis were on occasion enormous." (p.71)

8. Techne. 技艺
"His chief domain was divination by sacrifices, although, as we shall see in the next chapter, his functions extended into ornithoscopy, the interpretation of dreams, and similar matters." (p.73)

9. The Battlefield Sacrifice. 战场献祭
"Propitiatory in nature, it was offered just as the phalanx started to advance." (p.83)
"The animal used for this propitiatory sacrifice, at least by the Lakedaimonians, was always the young she-goat, called by the name of χιμιρα ("that which has seen one winter, yearling"). (p.84)
"The Greek phalanx battle began with the rutual of the sphagia after the two opposing armies were in position, followed as they advanced by the singing of the battle paian, that is, a 'hymn to avert evils,' and it ended with the ritual of the erection of the battlefield trophy.The last was the νικητηρια, a thank-offering to a god, set up at the point where the flight began."(p.87)
"The god performed what was unexpected." (p.89)
"Greek popular belief that miraculous divine intervention comes αελπωζ, a major difference in emphasis."(p.90)

Chapter 9 Military Oracles

"This attitude toward state oracles is explained, according to W. R. Halliday, by the emphasis in Greek superstition on the potential power conditional on the knowledge of the omen or oracle....It is probable that all city-states kept such precious collections of oracles as pertained to them." (p.297)
"A certain vagueness and ambiguity in all foretellings of the future protected the god from the disagreeable possibility of being called a false prophet. Moreover, Apollo seems to have acted as a useful information bureau." (p.299)
"The important point is that Delphi was giving oracles to both sides....Conversely. the fact that Dilphi gave oracular responses to, and received dedications from, both sides suggests that her role remained religious." (p.299)
"In fact, so great was the prestige of the Delphic oracle that cities as well as private individuals may have been tempted either to modify an authentic oracle or to produce a forgery." (p.300)
"The circumstance that in anxious times of warfare ther would be much consideration given to oracles and thier hidden meanings finds its way more tha once even into the narrative of Thucydides." (p.318)
"It is quite clear that in war-time especially, the practice of consulting oracles was extremely popular. The chresmologoi seem to have been collectors and expounders of old oracles, genuine or fictitious."(p.319)
"In circulation were collections of oracles attributed to old poets and legendary manteis." (p.320)
"Oracles constitute a fruitful field for theories and controversies. But for our limited purpose of the study of military oracles, it is enough to assert that the Greeks had a genuine belief in the prophetic power of their oracles, that the oracular shrines were consulted before going to war, and that oracles were a significant part of the religious system, an institution which attempted to bridge the gap between knowledge and the supernatural. Their use reflects man's efforts to know and in part to control the unknown forces of fate which lay in wait for him.Just as a general consulted a mantis before crossing a river or entering the enenmy;s country, so the Greek city-state wanted the god's endorsement, and the individual wished to hear a chanted oracle which he could accept as a portent of success, before entering into war.(p.321)

Chapter 4 Miscellaneous Portents(各小节除了概要性介绍外,还有相关史料罗列和简述)
11.Omens from names



Vita humana est supplicium.

