Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece

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M.M.AUSTIN and P. VIDAL-NAQUET: Economic  and Social History of Ancient  Greece: AN  INTRODUCTION , Translated  and  revised  by M.M.AUSTIN, London: Batsford Academic and  Educational  Ltd. 1977. 

I  Concepts  and General  Problems
The controversy  over the  ancient Greek economy

In 1817  August  Boeckh  published  his  great  work  on  the  political economy  of  the  Athenians,  Die  Staatshaushaltung  der  Athener. (p.3) 1817年,奥古斯特出版了第一本关于雅典政治经济的著作。(注:但对古代史研究没有什么影响)
The  first  general attempt  came  towards  the end  of  the  nine­teenth  century  and  is  associated  with  the  names  of  the  great German  philologist-historians  Eduard  Meyer,  K.].  Beloch  and Georg  Busolt  (especia lly  Edu ard  Meyer)3.  (p.3) 第一次(研究古代经济史的)尝试是在19世纪末,并且和德国历史文献学家的名字联系在一起。
Just  as  their  conception  of  the  political  history of  Greece  was  distorted  by  the  contemporary  German  pre­occupation with the problem of national unity, so  too the picture they drew  of Greek economic  history  was a  more or less  faithful
replica  of  the  economic  development  of  modern  Europe. (p.4) 前面学者所描绘的希腊经济史或多或少是现代欧洲经济发展的翻版。
Clearly  the  discussion  had  been  wrongly  approached  and so made a  bad start. ……The problem was forced  (and  has long  continued to be  forced)  into  the  straitjacket  of  a  simple  alternative :  was  the Greek  economy  modern  or  primitive ? (p.5) 研究起了一个很不好的头。问题被迫变成二选一,即希腊经济是现代的还是原始的?
The fundamental question  of deciding  whether or  not  it  was  possible  to  study  the Greek  'economy'  in  isolation  and  with  the  use  of  concepts created  for  the  modern  world  was  not even  raised.  (p.5) 那个根本问题即是否能够孤立地研究希腊经济并且使用为现代社会所创造的概念还没有提出来。
(Max  Weber)He  approached the subject from  the angle of institutions and laid stress on the particular characteristics of Greek history ;  his  aim was to define the ancient Greek city as opposed to  the medieval city. The Greek city  was  an aristocracy  of  warriors - or  even  of  sailors -and  a  city  of consumers,  whereas  the  medieval city  was  a  city  of
producers. (p.6) 韦伯从制度的角度来接近该主题,并且强调希腊历史的特殊特征;他意在把希腊城市与中世纪城市区别开来。希腊城市是一个实行武士贵族制,或者甚至是水手的,的城市,是一个消费城市。而中世纪的城市则是一个生产城市。
Weber  emphasized  particularly  the role of war  in  Greek  history :  Greek  democracy,  a  political  club of the  citizens, would redistribute to its members the fruits of war-tribute, land  and so  forth.  (p.6) 韦伯强调战争在希腊历史中的角色:希腊的民主制把战争的成果重新分配给它的成员。
Hasebroek shifted the discussion  away from the forms and range of  economic  activity  to  the  links  between  the  economy  and  the political life  of  the Greek city. (p.6) (韦伯的学生)把讨论从经济活动的形式和范围转换到经济与政治生活的联系上。
In  so far as  Greek states  showed  any interest in  economic problems, they  sought  only  to  secure  imports  of  materials  and commodities  essential  for the  life  of  the  city :  citizens  mattered (p.6)
only  as  cons umers,  not  as  producers9. (p.7)  希腊城邦关心的是确保城邦生活的基本原料和商品的进口:公民只是作为消费者而生产者。
What  they  did  was  to  lift  the  discussion from the  level of  facts and economic forms in  the abstract to  that  of the  relationship  between  the  econ omy and  the  institu­tions of the Greek city :  there could be no valid study of  the Greek
economy  outside  the  framework  of the  city. (p.7) 韦伯和他的学生所做的贡献是把讨论从抽象的事实层面和经济形式提升到经济与城邦制度的关系上来:离开城邦框架讨论经济是无效的。
Hasebroek's  works created  a  stir and  gave  fresh  impetus to  the controversy  between  'modernists'  and  'primitivists'. (p.7) (因为他们并没有消除争论)哈斯布洛克的著作为现代主义者和原始主义者的争论创造了新的刺激和推动。
Though there has  been progress since  Hasebroek in  our detailed knowledge  of  the  Greek  economy,  the  fundamental  problems have been freq uently neglected, and no comprehensive theory has been put forward to replace Hasebroek's in a  study of  the  ancient Greek  economy. (p.7) 尽管对希腊经济的细节了解多了,但基本问题却经常被忽视,并且没有全面的理论可以提出来代替哈斯布洛克的理论。
In  his study of the position  occupied by the  economy in  human societies  Polanyi  drew  a  very  clear  distinction  between  modern and  other societies. (p.7) 波兰尼在现代和其它社会之间作出了清楚的区别。
To  replace  modern  economic  concepts  in  the  study  of  other societies Polanyi  put forward four schemes by reference to  which one might understand the circulation and  distribution of  goods in such  societies:  reciprocity, redistribution, exchanges by means of trade,  and  household  economy.  (p.8) 为了代替现代经济概念,波兰尼提出了四个方案:互惠,再分配,贸易交换和家庭经济。
The economy  in Greece is  embedded in  society
One fact  which must  be noted at the outset is  that  the very concept of 'the economy'  in  the  modern  sense  is  untranslatable in  Greek, because it  si mply  did not exist . The Greek word oikonomia does not mean the  same  as  our word  'economy', although the  latter  is of course  derived from it.  It  means  'management  of the  house­hold'  (the  oikos)  in its  bro adest  sense  (domestic  economy,  one might say), and not only in its  strictly economic sense. (p.8) 古希腊不存在现代意义上的“经济”一词。oikonomia 指的是家务管理,这是广义上而非狭义上的含义。
There  are  two extant  treatises  of  the  fourth  century  both  entitled  Oikonomia, one  by Xenophon  and  the  other in  three separate  books, perhaps the work  of three different  writers  of the Aristotelian  school. (p.9) 现存有两部《经济学》,一个是色诺芬,另一个是亚里士多德学派的。
The  strictly  economic  part  is  concerned  with  the  running  of the rural  estate :  agriculture  is  praised  and  sharply  contrasted  with other forms  of economic  activity - such  as  manufacture - which are  said  to  be  unworthy  of a  gentleman. 
One will  find  in  Xeno­phon's  work  a  discussion  of  agricu lture  and  technical  advice  is provided,  but  one  will  also  find  a  discussion  of how  the  head  of the  oikos  ought  to  treat  his  wife  and  slaves. ……economic and  non -economic  functions are fused  together in  the  same  person  without  it  being  possible  to  distinguish between  them  [see  no  4] .  (p.9) 色诺芬的著作中严格意义上的经济部分是有关乡村地产的运营,农业受到赞扬,并与其他经济形式形成对比,像手工制造之类的是不值得一个绅士去做的。并且人们会发现,首要事务是训练他的妻子和奴隶。经济和非经济因素混合在一起难以区别。
To  use once more the  terminology  of Polanyi, the  economy  was embedded  in society  in  its  widest  sense.  'Economic'  matters  were  constantly under  the  influence  of factors  and  considerations  which  nowa­days  we  might  describe  as  'non -economic'.  Consequently economic  analysis  will lead up  not only  to  political  analysis,  but also  to  ethical  analysis  and  the  study  of values  in  general. (p.11) 希腊经济是嵌在最宽泛意义上的社会中的。因此必须分析经济不仅要分析政治,还要分析伦理和对一般价值的研究。
'N on-economic'  factors  and economic  activity
In this  hierarchy  of  occupations  agriculture  al most  always  held  a place  of  its  own  at  the  top  of  the  scale  and  was  sh arply  distin­guished  from other  economic  activities.  (p.11) 在职业等级中,农业总是占据最上的位置,并明显区别于其他经济活动。
At the bottom  of  the  scale one finds the other  forms  of  economic activity, trade  and  all the  so-called  'banausic' occupations which implied  manual  work. (p.11) 最底端的是贸易和所有所谓的“机械呆板的”的职业即手工业。
it remains  true of  the whole of classical antiquity that while the work of the artisan was admired, he was neglected  or  down-graded  as  a  person  [see no  II].  And  what  is most important,  there  never  was, except in  the  constructions  of some  theorists  like  the  town-p lanner  and  philosop her  Hippo­damus  of Miletus, any  such  thing  as  a  category  of artisans.(p.12) 整个古代,尽管工匠的作品受到赞赏,但工匠本身作为一个人却受到忽视或者压制。最重要的是,从来没有工匠这么一个范畴。
In  the classical city technical functions and political functions  did  not depend  on  each  other ;  rather, they were two
different spheres  which did not overlap. (p.12) 在古典城邦中,技术的功能和政治的功能不相互依赖,相反,他们是两个不相重叠的不同领域。
The  ambiguous  role  of  technical  and  economic  activity  in Greek  thought  can  be  illu strated  by  a  number  of  facts  from religion.  (p.12) 技术和经济活动在希腊思想中的模糊角色,可以用许多宗教的因素来解释。(例如普罗米修斯既是人类的恩人,又是宙斯的反对者)
Besides  the  hierarchy  of occupations,  and  indeed  hardly  to  be distinguished  from  it,  there  existed  a  hierarchy  of  modes  of acquisition :  some  were  considered  legi timate,  others  were susceptible  of  incurring  moral  reprobation,  depending  on  the spirit  in  which  they  were  resorted  to.  Here  again  ethical  con­siderations  intervened  to  counteract  the  development  of strictly economic  values.  (p.13) 除了职业有等级外,获取方式也有等级之分,有些是合法的,有些会招致道德批判。这又是伦理因素阻碍了严格意义上的经济价值的发展。
By contrast war and politics  were perfecta bly respectable - or at least legitimate  - modes of  acquisition  [see nos 7� 8�  9],  and this holds  good  for  every  period  of  Greek  history  (w ith  certain qualification s,  of  course) .   (p.13) 战争和政治是受尊敬的获取方式,至少是合法的方式,每个时期都是如此。
Even  granted  these  li mitations, it would be  wrong  to  imagine  that  every  war  was  undertaken  in  an acquisitive  spirit.  It  would  be even  more  dangerous to state that wars  in  Greece had  'economic causes '.  The ca uses  of wars  were often  to  be  found  at  a  political  level.  ……One  may say  that in  ancient Greece one often reaches  econ omics  via  war,  but  could  hardly  say  that  one reaches  war via  econ omics.(p.14) 但古希腊人并不为掠夺而发动战争。政治因素而非经济因素是战争的主要原因。
Another series of  imp ortant facts  in  the  study  of the  economy in  Greece  concerns  work.  The  first  point  is  that  the  unified concept  of work as one of the great functions  of man which falls into  a multiplicity of different forms was unknown to the Greeks . ……the  Greeks  only  saw  a  multiplicity  of  different occupations. (p.14) 古希腊人没有一致的工作概念,只有各种各样的不同职业。
Another  point  is  th at  work  as  such  never  acquired  for  the Greeks  any  positive  value  of  its  own . ……work was for  most  people  an  unavoida ble  necessity, but for  all that it did not acquire any intrinsic value. (p.14) 工作本身对古希腊人而言并没有积极的价值,尽管工作是必不可少的。
Another distinction  must be mentioned, and  once  more  it is  of a  moral  kind.……The  free  man,  if  he  had  to  work,  wanted  therefore  to  work  for himself, not for someone else. (p.15) 另一个伦理上的区别不得不提,自由人,如果他必须工作他想为自己而非为他人工作。
Should  one see  in  all  these  ideas nothing  but  the  reflection  of aristocratic  prej udices  and  dreams  of  reactionary  philosophers ? (p.15) ……as  a  whole  the  aristocratic  values  were  not challenged.  (p.16) 这些贵族的价值观总的来说没有受到挑战。
The Greek definition was  quite  different :  the two categories did not correspond to two extremes, on the contrary they- touched each  other and could  even  overlap. The criterion  was not a given standard of wealth  but  the  need for  work. A  Greek was wealthy if he  could  live  without  having  to  work,  poor if he  did not have enough  to  live  on  without working.(p.16) 古希腊人关于富与贫的标准是活着需不需要工作而非财富。
 Very often  moral qualities were  attached  to  notions  of  wealth  and  poverty :  wealth  was generally  considered  a  'b less ing'29  and  a  precondition  for  the development  of human  virtues,  whereas  poverty  was  a  'misfor­tune ',  which corrupted  man  and  made  him  incapable  of  virtue [see nos I8,  II3 ].  All this  brings  one back to  what was said earlier on the absence of  any positive evaluation of  work :  leisure and the absence  of  need  for  econ omic  activity  represented  a  very  wide­
spread  ideal.  (p.16) 伦理价值经常被赋予贫富概念:财富是被视为“神恩”,并且是发展人类美德的前提条件。这些都导致对工作积极评价的缺失:闲暇和无须工作代表了一个广泛存在的理想。
There was  first some evolution in  time. ……The  explanation  for  this apparent evolution in  ideas  lies  once  more, it would seem, in the conditions and spirit in which the work was carried out,  and here again the criterion of self-suffi ciency and personal freedom came into  play.  (p.16) 有一次及时的革命。自给自足和个人自由的标准起重要作用。
A  distinction  should  also  be  drawn  between  different  Greek states. (p.17) 希腊不同城邦之间有很大区别。
But  one  must also  avoid  the  opposite  excess  which consists in seeing  in  these  ideas  nothing  but  aristocratic  prej udices  or philosopher's  utopias  which  had  no  real  influence  on  Greek history. (p.17) 不能以为贵族的偏见和哲学家的乌托邦思想对真实的历史没有产生影响。
Slavery in Greece
But from  what  has  been  said  above  on  negative  ju dg­ments  on  manual  work,  on  the  absence  of  an  ideology  of work, on  the  ideal of leis ure and the role of war in the  life of the Greek states, it will be clear why servile  lab our should have appeared to the  Greeks  to  be the  unavoida ble precondition  of civilized  life. (p.18) 从前面对有关手工业、工作、闲暇和战争等的看法可知,奴隶的功劳是希腊文明生活必不可少的前提条件。
The  Greeks  in  the  classical period were  well  aware  of  the  fact  that  their  civilization  had started from  modest origins  and  had  gradually  risen to  a  higher level  (the  opening  chapters  of  Thucydides  are  an  excellent illustration  [see  nos  7�  53�  55�  107] ). (p.18) 古希腊人意识到了历史在发展。
In  addition, the  acceptance of the inequality  of mankind was a fundamental  premiss  of Greek  history,  and  one  that  was  never seriously  challenged  in  practice. (p.18) 对人类不平等的接受是希腊历史的一个根本前提,而且在实践中并没有受到严肃的挑战。
But the Greek point of view was different:  the  freedom of  some could not  be  imagined  without  the  servitude  of  others  and  the  two extremes were  not  thought  of  as  contradictory,  but  as  comple­mentary and interdependent.  (p.19) 希腊人认为某些人的自由在没有其他人受奴役的情况下是无法想象的。自由与奴役不矛盾,相反,是互补的和相互依赖的。
It  is to be  expected,  therefore,  that  one  should  find  servile lab our in  one  form  or  another  at every  period  of Greek history , and  that no  one should have  seriously  questioned  the  need for it.  (p.19) 每个时期都能发现这种那种形式的奴隶劳动,而且没有人会严肃地质疑这种需要。
Clearly, for the average Athenian in  the classical period nothing see med more natural than to wish to pass on  to  sl aves  part  at  least  of  one's  work. (p.19) 古典时期,每个雅典人自然地想要有一个奴隶来分担他的工作。
Social history
The  pro blems  one  meets  in  the  study  of  Greek  social  history are  of  the  sa me  kind  as  those  which  concern  economic  history, and to  some  extent they  are  connected. (p.20) 在经济史中遇到的问题在社会中常常也会遇到,二者某种程度上是联系在一起的。
The extreme  point  on  this  line  was  reached  not  by  the  German historians mentioned above  (Ed.  Meyer and others)  but by R. von Pohlm ann in  his Geschichte  der  sozialen  Frage  und  des  Sozialismus in  der antiken  Welt.  (p.20)
One preliminary point is that ju st as  there  was  no autonomous 'economic'  category  for  the  Greeks,  similarly  there  was  no independent 'social'  category. (p.20) 古希腊没有一个独立的“社会”范畴。
In  particular one will search in vain  for  the place held  by different groups  in  the  relations  of  production  as  a  criterion  of  ancient class  struggles.  There  was  of  course  nothing  approaching  what we call a  'working class' ,  but most important it  is  not their place in production which separates social groups. (p.22) 我们找不到以不同集团在生产关系中的地位差异作为阶级冲突的划分标准。当然也没有所谓的“劳动阶级”,但最重要的是并不是在生产中的地位划分出了社会团体。
Slaves, or at least those one calls 'chattel-sl aves',  did not there­fore  constitute  a  class,  though  this  did  not  prevent  them  from being,   (p.22) 奴隶,至少所谓的“资产奴隶”没有因此形成一个阶级。
In  the  first  place the  antagonism  was  not  to  be  found  between  groups  holding different places in  the relations of  production but, roughly speak­ing,  ,between  the propertied and the non-propertied, with owner­ship  of land  as the  main  form  of wealth.  In  practice the  antagon­ism  was for  most of the  time  between  a  wealthy  minority and  a more  or  less  impoverished  maj ority, though  it  must be  noted, as Aristotle pointed  out,  that the essential  criterion  was not that of (p.23) numbers but th at of wealth.  (p.24)  首先冲突对立不存在于在生产关系中处于不同地位的人之间,而是在有产者和无产者之间。根本标准是财富而非人数。
The antagonism between the  propertied minority and the non­propertied  majority  was  fundamental  in  Greek  class  struggles ; yet by itself it was not  sufficient to  set  in  motion  conflict between organized  groups.  And  here  the  second  essential  characteristic comes in :  class struggles  could  be expressed between citizens only through their belonging to  the state  (6r the possibility  of belong­ing to it)  and the  possession of  political  power which this implied . (p.24)  少数有产者和多数无产者的对立冲突是希腊阶级冲突的基本冲突,但还不足以形成有组织的社会集团之间的运动冲突。因此,第二个本质特征是,阶级冲突能够在他们所属的城邦中表达出来。
From what has  been  said  one  would  not  expect  th at struggles between  citizens  revolved  pu rely  around  specifically  economic iss ues, and in fact political demands and economic  demands often formed  a  single  inseparable  whole.  (p.24)  公民的斗争很少是专门为经济问题的,事实上政治需求和经济需求经常构成一个不可分割的整体。
When during the  fourth  century  and for a  variety of reasons  (see Chapter 7)  the  ideal  of the  peasant-citizen  began  to  lose ground both in  reality  and in  ideology, the  classical polis  then started on its  decline.  (p.25) 在公元前四世纪,由于许多因素,农民-公民的理想在实际上和意识形态上都开始丧失根基,古典城邦于是开始衰落了。
One  of these  divisions  was  that between  men  and  women.  (p.25) (除了有产者和无产者的划分外)另一划分是男人与女人。
Another  division  is  that  which  existed  between  young  and old47 ;  this  may  represent  the  reworking  of a  distant  past  but it can still be  seen at  work right  in the middle of  the historical period [see  no  I7] . (p.26) 另一划分是年轻人和老人。
 All  Greek states, whether  democratic  or  oliga rchic,  made  use  of the  principle  of seniority  in the attribution of  political power.(p.26) 所有的希腊城邦,无论民主还是寡头,在政治权力分配中都利用了年长的原则。
The main sources
It  has been stated above th at  for the Greeks there did not  exist any autonomous  economic  and  social  categories .  One  cannot  there­fore expect to  find  any specia list  literature  on  this  subj ect among Greek  writers.  One  may  mention,  however,  as  having  special importance (apart from the  historians) the  writings of the  political(p.26)
theorists of the fourth century, Plato and Aristotle, and especially the  latter's  Politics ;  the  treatises  on  Economics  mentioned above,  which  have  some  affinities  with  Hesiod's  Works  and Days, a  didactic  poem  which  gives  valuable  information  on  the life of a Boeotian peasant around 700 BC ;  the so-called  Ways and Means  of  Xenophon,  a  pamphlet  dating  from  about  355  BC  in which  the  author  suggests  a  number  of  remedies  designed  to rescue  Athens  from  the  financial  difficulties  in  which  she  found herself,  and  which is  a  rem arkable  commentary on the economic mentality of  a  Greek  city  in the  classical  period ;  Attic comedy ; the  orators  of  the  late  fifth  and  fourth  centuries ;  and  others besides.
         Besides literary texts  there is the  evidence of ins criptions  (there are  of  course  no  documentary  papyri  before  the  Hellenistic period)48 .  Useful inscriptions  of the  archaic  age  are few, and it is only with the  development of the  radical democracy  in  Athens in the  middle  of the  fifth  century  that  the  practice  of  publishing public  documents  more  or  less  systematically  (s uch  as  decrees, treaties, etc.)  became  general.  The contribution  of inscriptions  to social  and  economic  history  is  considerable .  Here  too,  it  is  the whole of epigraphic  evidence  which  is  lia ble to  provide  informa­tion.  One may mention  especially  texts  on  state  finances  (inven­tories,  accounts  of  the  trea suries  of  temples,  accounts  of  state
expenditure,  the  so-called  'tribute  lists'  of  the  fifth-century Athenian empire, legislation on certain economic  questions,  etc.) ; treaties with foreign states  which inclu ded at  times  some  economic clauses ;  the  Horoi (s tone pillars)  found on estates in Attica in the fourth  century ;  many  ins criptions  relating  to  metics  and  slaves ; and so  forth .
Finally,  there is  the  contribution  of  archaeology.  There  is  no point in listing here what archaeology has added and may still add to  our knowledge of social and economic history ;  it is enough to refer  to  a  number  of recent  works49.  Archaeology  may  reveal  all sorts  of  facts  otherwise  unknown :  for  example,  it  may  tell  us something  on  trade  and  relatio ns  between  Greek  states,  or between Greeks and non-Greeks. It can also confirm, correct and amplify what  was already known through literary sources (as for example the activity  of  the Greeks in  Egypt  in the archaic period). In general,  whatever is  unearthed  through  excavation is  lia ble to fit into  a  social and  economic  framework.  Among the  types  of objects  which are more speci a lly  useful  for  economic history one (p.27)
must  mention  coin  hoards5I  and  especially  vases,  though  one must  be  wary  of drawing  too  far-reaching  conclusions from  the evidence  of  pottery  finds  alone,  a  temptation  historians  have often succumbed  top .
When  all  these  different  types  of sources,  literary,  epigraphic, and  archaeological  are  put  together,  the  evidence  for  Greek social  and  economic  history  may  seem  abundant.  And  yet  one must  never  lose  sight  of the  limi tations  of  our  knowledge.  One of the  major gaps  in  the  study  of Greek economic  history  is  the lack  of reliable statistical  data,  and the  consequent impossibility of any detailed statistical approach to the  subj ect. Thus we do not know  for ·sure  the  exact  population  figures  for  Athens  in  the classical period, let alone other Greek states, and what can be put forward  on  this  subj ect  must  remain  more  or  less  plausible guesses. In general the classical period is  much better known than the  centuries  which  preceded  it.  The  quality  and  amount of the evidence vary  also  from  region  to  region. As for  Greek history  in
general, Athens takes  the  lion's  sh are in most of  the  extant  sources . It  would be foolish to deny  the gaps and  risks of  imba lance which any  enquiry  into  Greek history  must  face. (p.28)
2  The  Homeric  World
The Mycenaean world
Mycenaean Greece in  the Bronze  Age, a  history not of cities, but of kingdoms,  which  although  small  scale  were centralized  and bureaucratic  in  character,  and  to  some  extent  imitated  the  con­temporary civilizations of the  Near East.  (p.36) 迈锡尼时代的希腊处于青铜时代,是一部王国史,小范围中央集权并且是官僚体制,近似同时的近东文明。
 The  break  which  occurred  at  the  end  of the Bronze Age was therefore the  most profound  in  Greek history.  (p.36) 青铜时代末期发生的断裂是希腊历史上最重要的。
The  question  of  deciding  what historical period  the  evidence of 'Homer'  can  be referred  to, and to what extent he can be used  as a  historical source, has been the subj ect  of  a  long  debate  which  is  still  far  from  settled,  but  in which one cannot avoid taking sides. (p.37) 荷马所涉及的历史分期问题是悬而未决的,并将持续争论下去,每个人都不得不采取一个立场。
  The decipherment of Linear B  has  brought out even  more  clearly  the  difference  between the  Mycenaean world and  Homeric  society :  there  is  a  gulf  between  the  Mycenaean palaces  with their  meticulous  bureaucracy  and the palaces of the Homeric kings,  infinitely  less  complex  in  their organization, and in which writing, an essential element in the Mycenaean  world, is completely  missing. (p.37) 线形文字B表明迈锡尼世界和荷马社会有着巨大差别:官僚制的王宫,书写能力。
Sh ould  one  then  consider  the  Homeric poems  to  reflect  prim­arily  the  time  in  which  they  were  composed,  that  is  to  say (according  to  the  chronology  most  widely  accepted  at  the moment)  the  eighth  century,  with  the  Iliad  coming at the  begin-(p.37)
ning  of  the  century  or  slightly  earlier,  and  the  Odyssey  in  the second  half ?  This  point  of  view  is  less  widespread  than  the previous  one,  but  it  has  been  defended.  (p.38) 荷马史诗主要反映了它的创作时代,即公元前八世纪。 
Thus  it  has  been  possible  to  point  to  the links  between  the  Odyssey and  the  beginnings  of colonization in the  west in  the  second  half of the  eighth  century  [see  no 30]. (p.38) 我们能够指出《奥德赛》与公元前八世纪后半叶在西方殖民运动的初期的联系。
What he  described  was in all  likelihood  neither  the  Mycenaean world, nor his own time,  but a world chronologically in between the two, namely the Greek world of the Dark Age in the tenth and ninth centuries, after the fall of the  Mycenaean palaces but before the  development of the polis  in  the eighth century which ushered in a  completely  new period  of Greek history.
Yet  one  cannot  start  from  a  literal  equation  of  the  Homeric
world  with  the  Greek  world  of  the  Dark  Age.
(p.38) 荷马所描绘的既非迈锡尼也非他自己的时代,而更可能是二者之间的黑暗时代,即公元前十到九世纪。但不能完全在字面将二者划上等号。
Schematically one  may say  that  three  historical  levels  coexist  in  Homer :  the Mycenaean world the poet is  seeking to recall ;  the Dark Age ;  and the poet's own time.  It may  often not be easy to distinguish clearly what belongs  to  one  rather than  to  the  other. (p.38)看起来应该是三个时代的混合,并且难以区分出来。
Be that as it may, and to  return to  more concrete problems, one notes  that  Homer is  aware of the  fact  that  the  vanished Mycen­aean  world  was  richer  and  more  powerful  than  the  one  he  was living  in. (p.39) 可以看出,荷马意识到消失了的迈锡尼世界是一个更富裕和更有权势的世界。
Furthermore  the  Homeric  world  is  far  too  uniform :  there  is seemingly  no  awareness  of the  diversity  between  different  parts of the  Greek world  at the  time.  It is  difficult  to  believe that such was the  situ ation  in  reality. (p.39)荷马世界太过于千篇一律,似乎没有意识到希腊世界各地的差异性,很难想象这是实际的情形。
Finally  one  must emphasize  the  differences  between  the  Iliad and  the  Odyssey6 :  strictly  speaking  there  is  no  such  thing  as  a 'Homeric  society ', there is  the  society of the  Iliad  and  that of the Odyssey. (p.39) 必须强调一下《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》的不同,严格来说没有一个“荷马社会”,只有《伊利亚特》社会和《奥德赛》社会。
Characteristics of the Homeric world
The  central  ins titution  in  the  Homeric  world  is,  or  at  least appears  to  be,  the  aristocratic  oikos.  (p.40)荷马世界的核心组织似乎是贵族家庭。
It is  true  that  one  finds  cities  in  Homer  in  the  sense  of urban settlements, with a centre where people meet  together (the  agora) . What is  more, these cities  are  the  only type  of settlement known to  the poet :  there is no mention in  Homer of villages which must have existed then in  many parts  of the Greek world just  as  they existed later.  (p.40) 荷马只提到城市而没有乡村,但乡村无疑是存在的。
What is an oikos ?  The word is so metimes  rendered  'family' . But  this  is  too  narrow  a  tran slation  and  could be misleading. ……But it includes  also all  those people,  whether free  or  slave,  who depend directly on the head of the oikos  - all those servants  who are assigned to the many tasks required by the economic life of  the aikas. ……In  other  words  the  aikas  in  its  purely human  sense  is not an  ins titution  based solely  on  kinship .(p.41)  把oikos翻译成家庭过于狭隘,且有误导性。……它包括所有人,自由人和奴隶。……换句话说,它不是一个单纯的基于血缘的组织。
The oikos is an economic as well as a human unit,  and it is managed by the head of  the aikas, who in the Homeric world is a
great  war  leader  like  Menelaus  or Odysseus. From the  economic point  of view the  ideal  of the  oikos is  self-sufficiency  (this  ideal will enjoy  a  long  history  in  the  Greek world) . ……The  aikas  is therefore  at  once  a  unit  of  production  and  con sumption,  and most of its  material needs  are  catered for without contacts with the  outside world and apart from  any commercial exchanges. (p.41) 家庭是一个经济单位,有家长管理。从经济理念上说,家庭的理想形态是自给自足的。……家庭是一个生产和消费单位,大部分原料不需要通过与外界交换获得。
What was  the  basis  of the  material  wealth  of an  aristocratic aikas ?  In  the  first  instance,  land :  the  noble  warriors  were  land­owners to  start with. (p.41) 贵族家庭的首要财富是土地。
Apart from lan ded wealth, herds and flocks  (and also slaves, who can be reckoned among  the  chattels  of the  oikos) ,  there was the accumulated 'treasure', kept in a special  room in the centre  of  the manor. (p.42) 此外,还有珍宝。
Among the  essential commodities which the oikos  was  unable  to  provide  were  notably  metals  and  slaves. (p.42) 家庭所无法提供的基本商品是金属和奴隶。
The first means of acquisition  was simply war, and in  Homer, (p.42) 获得方式首先是战争。
To obtain  metals  and  precious  objects  it  was  generally  necessary  to resort  to  exchanges,  and  war  in  any  case  had  its  dangers :  one might be  facing  a  stronger  opponent  and  aggression  would then (p.42)
recoil  on the  aggressor.  (p.43) 必要是也诉诸交换。
In  the  Odyssey  (but not in  the  Iliad )  one finds many examples of  a technique  of  exchanges, that  of  gift  and  counter-gift,  which  is  well  known  in  many 'primitive'  societies I4•  In  the  Homeric world, as  in  many archaic societies, there  are no disinterested gifts :  one does not  give simply in  order  to  please,  but  because  one  anticipates  in  the  long  run  a gift or a service in exchange.   (p.43) 在《奥德赛》中可以发现,交换的一个方式是赠送和回馈礼物。在荷马世界中没有无私的礼物,赠送礼物不是为了取悦,而是为了交换。
The  strictly  non-commercial character of these exchanges must be emphasized ;  all notions of  profit were system­ atically  excluded. ……Exchanges  of this kind  could  thus  fit accept­ably into the framework  of  aristocratic values. (p.43) 这些(礼物)交换具有非商业性,所有的利润观念都被排除在外。……这正合贵族价值观。
Commerce  existed,  to  some  extent  [see  no  30],  more  in  the Odyssey than  in the Iliad,  but was  far from  being very developed. (p.43) 商业更多地存在于《奥德赛》,但远未发展起来。
The lower  classes in  Homer
According  to  one  widespread  point  of  view,  the  essential criterion for  determining  a  man's  status  in  the  Homeric  world was  not  the  possession  or  lack  of  personal  freedom,  but  one's position  in  relation to the oikos.  (p.44) 在荷马世界中决定一个人地位的根本标准不是是否拥有个人自由,而是他在家庭中的位置。
Besides, it is  clear that the status  of a  slave  could vary a  great deal  in  reality.  There  was no  distinction  between  free  man  and slave  in  the  type  of  work  they  performed .  (p.45) 很明显,奴隶的地位在实际差别很大。在自由人和奴隶所从事的工作之间并没有差别。
3  The  Archaic  Period (Eighth-Six th  Centuries)
The  development of the  'polis'
The  archaic  period  is  perhaps  the  most  important  period  in Greek history. (p.49) 古风时代或许是希腊历史最重要的时代。
The  birth  of  the  polis  is  obscure.  In fact it is difficult  to try  to establish  an  absolute  beginning :  the  polis  represents  an  'ideal type',  and  all depends on  what criteria  one adopts.  Furthermore the  polis  did  not  develop  everywhere  in  the  Greek  world  (see further  Chapter 4),  nor  according  to  the  same  rhythm. (p.49) 城邦的产生是模糊不清的。事实上很难确定一个绝对的开端:城邦代表一个“理想类型”,一切取决于一个人所采用的标准。而且,城邦不是在希腊的每个地方都发展起来,发展节奏也是不一样的。
 The most secure proof of  the beginnings of  the polis is  provided  by  the  so-called  'co lonizing  movement' which began
towards  the  middle of the  eighth century. (p.50) 城邦开始的最确定的证据是开始于公元前八世纪中期的所谓的“殖民运动”。
The causes of  the development of  the  polis  are not well known . It is customary to invoke geographical factors and to say that  the physical  fragmentation  of  Greece  led  to  its  political  fragmenta­tion.   (p.50) 城邦发展的原因不很清楚。习惯上归因于地理因素,是希腊自然地理的碎片形态导致了政治上的碎片化。(作者后面认为这是不确切的)
And yet the  geographical explanation  really proves  very  little .  (p.50)
Discussions on  this  subj ect  serve  only to  show  how  impossi ble it is  for us to adopt a  criterion  which fits  simultaneously  the  polis  in  the early archaic period, in the classical period, or even the Hellenistic and Roman period.  (p.51) (关于城邦出现进程的)讨论表明,我们不可能采用一个标准,同时适用于早期古风时期、古典时期,或者甚至是希腊化和罗马时期的城邦。
The  most  ancient  document  attest­ing the existence of formulae of collective decision  such  as 'It  has been resolved  by  the  polis'  and of  such a typically civic  institution as the ban on reappointment to a  magistracy within a lapse of ten years, is a  Cretan inscription from Dreros, dating from the second half  of  the  seventh  century,  and  roughly  contemporary  with
Draco  in  Athens。 (p.52) 最早的可以证明有关建立城邦的集体决定的文献来自克里特的德雷洛斯,可以追溯到七世纪下半叶,大概和雅典的德拉古同时。
The  main achievements  of the  archaic  age in this  field  may  be briefly noted. First, from the seventh century onwards, there was the codification of the laws,  often  through the action of a  legisla­tor,  a  figure  whose  function  was  at  once  secular  and  public  in character.  (p.52) 古风时期取得的成就,第一,从七世纪开始,有法典的编撰,通常通过一个立法者的行动。
Concurrently  with  the  notion  of  citizen  there  developed gradually  the  antithetical  notions  which  were  to  be  clear-cut  in the classical  period, first that of the non-citizen, who was outside the political community, secondly and especially that of  the slave, the complete  outsid er, deprived of liberty  and who in theory had no rights at  all. (p.52) 与公民观念同时发展起来的是它的对立观念,即非公民观念,与外邦人和奴隶明确区分。
It  is  interesting  to see that the people of Chios were reputed to  have been the first to turn to  the purchase of foreign slaves, as it is precisely from Chios that  comes  one  of  the  earliest  pieces  of  evidence  showing  an evolution  towards  democracy .  The  two  processes  are  linked . (p.53) 有趣的是,开俄斯人是第一个贩卖奴隶的,同时也是第一个进行民主革命的。
The troubles  of the archaic  age
But  already in  the seventh century maritime commerce becomes an  activity in  its own  right, even  if it  had not been  earlier :  the  word emporos  in  the  sense  of 'maritime  trader'  appears,  whereas  in  Homer  it  did  not  as  yet have a  technical  meaning. (p.54) 在七世纪,即使不是更早,此时海洋商业已经成为一个正当的活动:emporos代表海洋商人的词已经出现,而在荷马这是不存在的。
Nevertheless there is no  doubt  that there grew  up  in  the  archaic age an  urban  demos(p.54)
based  on  manufacture. (p.55) 毫无疑问,古风时期发展出一个基于手工业的城市德谟。
The origins  of coinage
Recent  studies  have  re­newed  the   conception  historians  had  of  the  reasons  for  the invention  and spread  of  coinage and have shifted the emphasis to the  non-economic .aspects  'Of the  process . (p.56) 最近的研究强调了货币出现的非经济因素。
The invention  and  spread  of coinage  would have to  be placed  in the  framework  of  the  development  of  social  relations  and  the definition  of  values,  a  fundamental  tendency  of the  archaic  age, (p.56) 货币的发明和传播应该置于社会关系的发展和价值的定义(古风时期的基本倾向)的框架内。
The  life  of  the  civic  community could not be conceived without the existence and enforcement of norms  known  to  all,  and  the  invention  of coin age  would  fit  into this  context.  (p.57) 没有所有人都了解的规范的存在和巩固,城邦共同体的生活是不可想象的,而货币的发明正适应于这个背景。
The  absence of small denominations in the coinage of  many cities implies  that  the invention  of  coinage  did  not  aim  initially  at  facilitating  local trade.  Furthermore  large  denominations  do  not  seem  to  have circulated  very widely outside their  area of issue  (as -for  example the  Sicilian  coinages) ;  circulation  of  goods  and  circulation  of coinages do not by any  means overlap systematicallyI6, and longdistance  trade  need not  have  been  one of the  factors in the  crea­tion of  coinage.  (p.57) 在许多城邦的货币中,小面额的缺失暗示着货币的发明不是为了当地贸易的方便。而且,大面额似乎不在发行地区以外进行流通;商品的流通和倾向的流通并不系统地重叠,远途贸易的需要不是货币制造的因素之一。
One  must  emphasize  especially  the  development  of  civic consciousness :  in  the  history  of  the  Greek  cities  coinage  was  always first and foremost a civic emblem . To  strike coins with the badge of the  city  was to  proclaim one's political  independence. (p.57) 必须特别强调的是,公民意识的发展:在希腊城邦的历史中,货币是城邦首要且最重要的象征。给货币印上城邦的标志就是在宣告一个城邦的独立。
Once  more  it  can  be  seen  th at  it  is  im­possible  to  reach  'economics'  in  a  pure  form.
Agrarian aspects of  the crisis
It  seems  that  the  economic  causes  of  the  crises  of  the  archaic period  - when  it  is  possible  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  them  - were connected  directly or  indirectly  with  the  land,  and  the  demands of an  economic  kind  which  were  heard  then,  as  later  in  Greek history,  centred  around  the  land. (p.58) 古风时期危机的经济因素直接或间接地与土地问题相关,并且希腊史经济要求总是以土地为中心。
Many parts of  the Greek world seem to have  suffered from  the eighth century onwards from  overpopulation, attested to indirect­ly  by  the  considerable  increase  in  the  size  and  numbers  of settlements  revealed  by  archaeology. (p.58) 八世纪以来希腊许多地方出现了人口过多,考古发现的居民点规模和数量的增加可以间接证明这点。
It  is  usually  assumed  that  the  essential problem  was that·  of debt :  the  mass  of the Athenians had  in '  one way  or  another  placed  itself  in  debt  with  the  wealthy  and had been redu�ed  to  the  status  of  hectemoroi,  that is to  say  's ixth­
parters'  who  were  compelled to  pay  to  their  creditors  one-sixth of their produce (these are none-monetary loans,  simi lar to  those already  mentioned  by  Hesiod).  (p.60)
The different  solutions to  the  crisis  :  colonization
One of the  most impor tant  characteristics of the  archaic  age  was what  is  cOl).ventionally,  though  misleadingly,  referred  to  as  the 'colonizing  movement"  which  started  towards  the  middle  of the  eighth  century  and  went  on  to  about  the  end  of  the  sixth, ……the  colonizing  movement  was  clearly linked  to the  problems  which  affected the  Greek  world  at  this period. (p.61) 古风时期最重要的特征之一是殖民运动,从八世纪开始到六世纪末期。……殖民运动是与该时期希腊世界所面临的问题联系在一起的。
Colonization has  often been discussed according  to  this simple alternative :  did  it.  represent  a  search  for  new  land  or  was  it motivated  by  trade ?  (p.61) 殖民运动经常根据这种简单的二选一模式进行探讨:它是为了寻求新土地还是为贸易所驱动。
There  is  first  the  essential  distinction  between  the  typical 'colony',  the  apoikia,  which  was  founded  from  the  outset  to
become  an  independent city  (altho ugh  more  or  less  close  rela­tions,  depending  on  circumsta nces  and  periods,  would  subse­quently  be  maintained  with the  mother  city) 2s,  and  the  strictly commercial  settlement,  the  emporion, of which several  cases  are known in  the  archaic period. (p.61) 殖民类型的本质的第一个区别是独立城邦还是商业据点。
The  typical  colonies,  and  by  far the  most  numerous,  were essentially agrarian settlements, as is  now generally accepted, and as a  whole series of indications  leads one to  suppose; The Greeks in  the  classical  period  took  it  for  gran ted  that  the  effect  of colonization was to act as a safety valve against  overpopulation .(p.61) 典型的殖民地,也是数量最多的,本质上是农业定居点。古典时期希腊人理所当然地认为殖民的作用是作为一个安全的解决人口过剩问题的阀门。
 The search for  new land, then,  was  the  principal  ca use  of  archaic  colonization.  (p.63) 寻求新土地是古风殖民的主要原因。
Such  were  the  typ ical  colonies :  autonomous  agricultural comm unities  founded  under  the  aegis  of  a  mother  city  which provided the oikistes (the founder)  and pres umably also provided ships,  tech nicians,  etc.  to  found  the  new  colony.  (p.63)
The imports  of corn
One  important  economic  novelty  of the  archaic  period  was  the development of an import trade in corn towards the Greek world. This  trade  seems  to  have  begun  towards  the end  of the  seventh century. (p.69) 古风时代一个很重要的经济新事物是输入希腊世界的粮食进口贸易。大概开始于七世纪末期。
This  may  not  be  a  coincidence :  it  may  be  that  this  move corresponds to the pressure which these cities of Asia Minor came under at  that  ti me, notably on  the  part  of the Lydian  kingdom . The  impo rts  of  grain  would  then  have  constituted  originally  a means  of  facing  these  pressures  and  freeing  oneself  from  total dependence  on  one's  own  territory. (p.69) 贸易可能是与小亚城邦所受吕底亚王国的压力相呼应。粮食进口成为一个应对这种压力和从依赖中解放出来的一个手段。
  It is  possible that  the Greek cities of Sicily exported corn to the Greek world already in the  archaic  age,  but  there  is  no  direct  proof  of  this. (p.69) 很可能西西里的希腊城邦在古风时代已经出口粮食到希腊世界,但还没有直接的证据。
Redistribution of land  and improvement  in the  status  of the peasants
The causes of  tyranny  vary  from  place to place, but  most  often  tyranny was anti-aristocratic in  character.  (p.70) 产生僭主的原因各不相同,但大多数的僭主具有反贵族的性质。
It  was  during  the seventh  century  that the  characteristic  slogan  of Greek  history -redistribution  of  land  - made  its  appearance.  (p.70) 七世纪的希腊历史的典型口号是重新分配土地。
In  addition  the  tyrants contributed  to  the  development of civic  consciousness,  through the  building  of  temples,  civic  monuments,  the  promotion  of religious  festivals and popular  cults such  as that of Dionysus, the creation  of  a  currency. (p.70) 此外,僭主对公民意识的发展也作出了贡献,通过建立神庙,城邦纪念碑,提升宗教节日和流行崇拜如狄俄尼索斯,以及制造货币。
  Peisistratus  has  often  been  credited  with the  redistribution  of land  which  Solon  had refused  to  carry  out. (p.71) 庇西特拉图经常被认为进行了土地的再分配,这是梭伦不敢做的。
4  The  Archaic  States  and  Sparta
Typology of  Greek states希腊城邦的类型
As with all Greek institutions, a great deal of  variety is to be found, owing to  the existence of intermediate types in  the principal categories.  (p.78) 希腊制度由于在主要类型中存在着许多居中的类型,因此存在着众多的变化。
The first  distinction which must be made is  that  between  ethnos (people,  tri be)  and  polis  (city)  which  is  best  rendered  as  'state without  an  urban  centre'  and  'state  with  an  urban  centre.  (p.78) 第一个区别是部落和城市,即没有中心城市城镇的城邦和有中心城镇的城邦。
One  factor  which  was  often  decisive  in  their  lack  of centralization  was  their  geographical  extension,  which  made  it
difficult for  them  to  be  transformed  into genuine  poleis  with  a single  urban  centre.  The  ethnos  type  of  state  represents  a  much less  developed stage than the  polis and chronologically it  precedes it.  (p.79) 导致缺乏城镇化的一个关键因素是地理上的延展,这使得他们很难形成一个真正的带有唯一中心城镇的城邦。这种“ethmos”类型的城邦是较“polis”发展程度低的发展阶段,并且在时代上先于后者。
It  should  be  noted  straightaway  that here  and there  development  beyond  the  most  'primitive'  stage  began  to
take  place :  within the  same  'ethnic'  group poleis  might begin  to grow  up, become  more  or less  independent from  the  ethnos and pursue  an  autonomous  political  life.  (p.79) 发展基本超出了最原始的阶段:在同一个“种族”集体内,城邦开始出现,或多或少地独立于部落,并且追求一个自治的政治生活。
And  yet  it  is  during  the  fourth  century  that  some  of these eth nos-type  states, which had hitherto played onl y a limited
part  in  Greek  history,  began  to  take  over  politically  from  the principal  poleis,  which  by this time  had exhausted themselves ;  in the following century  they were even to  play a  leading  role.  (p.80) 在四世纪时,此前在历史上一直扮演有限角色的ethnos城邦开始从主要城邦那里接手政治,在接下来的一个世纪他们甚至扮演一个领导角色。
Another  distirrction  which  may  be  made  is  th;;lt  between  the classi cal city  (of  which Athens is the obvious  prototype) and those states which  did  not ,  undergo  an  equally'  developed evolution in certain  essential  fields.  (p.80) 另一个区别是古典城邦与那些在关键领域未经历同等程度变革的城邦。
The  essential  criterion which  distinguishes  modern ' states  from  the  more  archaic types is the, degree of  clarity with which the  notions  of citizen and free man  as opposed to slave  were defined. 区别现代城邦和古风城邦的关键标准是划分公民和自由人与奴隶和外邦人的概念的清楚度。
But  not  every Greek  city  reached  this  stage :"  in  archaic  states  the  notions  of citizen  and free man were less  precise, the categories less clear cut and  the  existence  of  intermediate  stages  between  the  categories helped  to  blur  the  outlines  even  further.  (p.81) 在古风城邦中,公民和自由人的概念并不清晰,公民与非公民概念的中间形态的存在更模糊了这一切。
The principal categories  in  Sparta
The Homoioi (Peers)
The  Spartiates  represent  the  most extreme  example  in  Greek history  of  the  rej ection  of  economic  activity  [see  nos  37,  56] .  (p.82) 斯巴达人是拒斥经济活动的极端例子。
The Spartan system represents in  fact a reaction against the tradition of the oikos ;  as  part of this  reaction (p.82)
all  family  values  were  repressed  and  crushed.  (p.83)  斯巴达的体制实际上是对家庭传统的一种反动;家庭价值受到压制和摧毁。
Among the Spartiates equality was the ideal,  and  this ideal was expressed in  the very name  they gave themselves, the Peers.  (p.83)  在斯巴达人中平等是他们的理想,这种理想表达在他们自己给自己的名字中,即 平等人。
The first  derogation from  the  egalitarian ideal  was  the  existence of  the double kingship, an institution of  unknown origins and one which has  no parallel  in  the rest of the  Greek  world.   (p.83) 第一个损害这种平等主义理想的是双王制的存在。
Besides, it is clear that  within the body of the Peers there existed  a  de facto  aristocracy, which surpassed in  wealth  and  influence  the  other  less  fortunate  Peers.  This aristocracy may well have existed  from the  very origins of  classical Sparta.  What is  more,  the  general  evolution  tended to  reinforce these  social  differences  and  encourage  the  concentration  of
wealth  (especially  landed  property)  among  an  ever  more  re­stricted  number  of people.  (p.84) 在平等人中实际存在着贵族,他们在财富和影响力都超过了其他人。更重要的是,总的趋势是这些社会差异在不断加强,导致财富日益集中在越来越少数人中。
Equality among the  Spartiates was therefore never more than an  impossible  ideal and  reality  moved further and further  away  from  it.  (p.84) 在斯巴达中平等只是一个不可能的理想,而且现实离它越来越远。
The Perioikoi
One  noteworthy fact which  illustrates  the  difference  between archaic  states  and  modern  ones  of the  Athenian  type  is  that  the Perioikoi,  although  they  had  no  share  in  the  decisions  of  the government of Sparta, were nevertheless in  some  way part of the state.  (p.85) 一个解释古风城邦和古典城邦差异的事实 是Perioikoi属于城邦的一部分,尽管在斯巴达政府中不能分享决策权。
Furthermore,  the  small  communities  of  the  Perioikoi  were homogeneous  and  owned  their  land,  and here  again  they  are  in sharp  contrast  to  the  metics in  Athens,  whose origins  were very mixed and  who  were debarred  £rom  the  right of owning land,  a privilege  which  was  restricted  to  citizens  (s ee  Chapter  5).  (p.85) 再者,Perioikoi 的小社区是同种人,拥有自己的土地,这就与雅典的外来人形成了对比。
They  cultivated  their  lands  and  carried  on  manufacture ;  they must have  been  responsi ble, for  example,  for  providing the  state with weapons. It is prob ably  to  them too that one must  attribute the so-ca lled  'Laconi an' pottery of  the  archaic period .  (p.85) Perioikoi 耕种土地,从事手工业,他们有义务为城邦提供武器。可能他们也要进贡所谓的古风时代的拉科尼亚陶。
 In  general  they  were  one  of  the  essential  elements  in  the stability  of Sparta . (p.86) 总的来说,他们是斯巴达稳定的一个关键因素。
The Helots
They  represent  two quite  different  types  of subj ection,  which have  a  distinct  history  and  origins: slavery  of the Athenian type was a  more modern institution and Helotage a more  arch aic  one,  with  the  former  eventually  establishing  itself
in  the  classical  period  as  the  'n ormal'  type  in  Greek history.   (p.86) 他们代表了两种不同的奴隶制。
What characterizes Helot-type groups by contrast with slaves of  the  Athenian type is first of all their  homogeneity : they  were all native  peoples  (whether  Greek  or  non-Greek),  who  spoke  the same  language,  and  who  are  commonly  held  to  have  been reduced to the status of dependents through conquest,  at the time of  the arrival of  those who later  were to become their masters and form  a  warrior  aristocracy .   (p.86) 黑劳士跟雅典奴隶不同在于,他们是同一种族的,都是土著居民,说同样的语言,通过被征服而成为奴隶。
Being  homogeneous  peoples  these  groups  could  reproduce themselves :  one did not buy Helots at the sl ave market, whereas slaves in  Athens were generally imported  and purchased  like  any other  commodity. (p.87) 作为同一种族的人,他们能够再生产自己,不用通过到奴隶市场上购买。这与雅典不同。
In  Sparta,  by  contrast,  it  was regular (at  least  from  the  time  of  the Peloponnesian War onwards) to  use  Helots in  warfare. In this case, if  they  were freed  (wh ich did not follow  automatically)  it  was sometimes  (though not  always)
after their period of service, and  subsequently they continued to be liable to  military service  . (p.87) 斯巴达经常在战争使用奴隶,
 The  Helots  freed  by  the state  (they  could  not  be  manumitted  by  individuals,  unlike  the slaves  in  Athens  who  mostly  belonged  to  individuals)  became Neodamodeis,  that  is  to  say  'new  members  of the  damos' ;  they were thus in a  (to us mysterious) sense 'citizens'  of  Sparta without being on  the same  footing  as  the  Peers . (p.87) 黑劳士可以通过被国家释放而成为新成员,新公民。
The pattern of  Helot revolts further underscores the differences(p.87)
between the two types  of subjects .  (p.88) 黑劳士的反叛进一步突出了两种奴隶制的差异。
The situation was quite different in  Sparta ;  Helot revolts were a permanent  factor  in  her  history  [see  nos  50,  58,  59,  61 ].  As  a matter  of fact  it  would  be more  correct to  speak of revolts  of the Helots of  Me  sseni  a  rather  than  Helot revolts  in  general, for  here one must distinguish  between  two groups, the  Helots of Laconia and  those  of  Messenia. (p.88) 黑劳士的反叛是一个固定的因素,确切地说是美塞尼亚的黑劳士,而非拉科尼亚的。
The demand for secession and 'Messenian power', then,  was the other course of action open to the Messenian Helots, apart from integration  in the Spartan state . (p.88)
 The originality of Sparta 

  In  fact  it would  seem from  the  evidence  of archaeology  that  imports  to  Sparta  ceased completely in  the course of the  sixth  century.  (p.90) 考古证据显示斯巴达的进口在六世纪中就已经完全停止了。

One may also note the unusual  fact that  Sparta, altho ugh  she was considered a polis  by the  other  Greek  states,  and  although  her  history  belongs  to  the history of the polis  in  general, was  untypical  in  comparison  with other  poleis  in  that  she  had  no  proper  urban  centre :  not  only were  there  no  fortifications  (only  the  men  were  to  defend  the 
city) ,  but  there  was not even  a  fortified  acropolis,  such  as  were known in many civic centres. Instead,  the  Spartiates  lived  scattered about in  five  villages  [see  no 55] . (p.90) 跟其它城邦相比,斯巴达不是一个典型的城邦,它没有中心城镇,没有堡垒要塞,没有卫城。斯巴达人住在五个分散的村落里。

Sparta,  although  a  military state,  was  not  strictly  a  militaristic  one,  and  did  not  pursue victory  in  war over  foreigners  and  conquest  by  force  as  ends  in themselves. These motives did once exist at an earlier  stage  in the history  of  Sparta. Then came the decisive change, after the  second Messenian  war,  in  the time of Tyrtaeus.  Sparta became an intro­verted state  which  aimed  at  nothing but its  own  preservation .  (p.90) 斯巴达是军事国家,但不是一个军国主义国家。历史上,它的军事发过转变,最后只为了保存自己。

5  Classical  Athens
Characteristics of the  Athenian type  of state 
Briefly,  they  inclu ded  the  complete  elimination  of  internal subj ects  (after Solon there  were no more slaves of  Athenian origin in  Athens) ,  and the placing on the same level of  political and legal equality  of  all  the  citizens.   (p.94)简言之,他们消除了内部的奴役,把所有公民置于同等的政治和社会地位之上。(雅典类型的城邦的本质特点)

In Athens  the distinction between the various legal categories  was  clear  cut :  the  distinction between free  man and  slave  as  that  between citizen  and  non-citizen  was  sharply drawn,  and  intermediate  categories  were  eliminated.  Con­
currently with the  disappearance  of internal  subjects  the  role  of outsiders developed (both free men and slaves) : the  two  processes were linked.  (p.94) 自由民和奴隶之间的区别就如同公民和非公民之间的区别一样明确,并且没有中间形态。伴随着内部奴役的消失,外邦人的角色发展了起来,两个进程是相互关联的。
Furthermore,  at  the same  time  as  the inequal ities  in  status  of the  Athenians  were  removed  and  the  progression  towards democracy  was  pursued,  the  body  of  the  Athenians  became  an entirely exclusive one closed to outsiders.  (p.94) 雅典成为一个排外的机体。

The grant  of  Athenian  citizenship  to  outsiders  was  always therefore  in  principle  a  privilege,  conferred  sometimes  on  indi­viduals,  more  rarely  on  groups. (p.95) 雅典授予外邦人公民权总的来说是一种优待,有时给予个人,很少给予群体。

The citizens
The only  genuine  economic  distinction  which  separated  citizens (p.95) 
from  non-citizens  (whether  free  or  slave)  - but  it  was  a  funda­mental  one  - concerned  the  ownership  of  land.   (p.96) 经济上真正能够划分公民和非公民的是土地所有权。(非公民不能拥有土地)

 For one thing it  was an  accepted notion in many Greek cities that the possession of  civic rights must depend in  some  way  on  the  ownership  of  land ;  exa mples  were  seen earlier  of cities  which  restricted  the possession  of full  civic  rights 
to  landowners  (Thebes,  Cyrene) .  (p.96) 在许多希腊城邦中,这是一个广泛接受的观念:公民权有赖于土地所有权。

On  the  other  hand  the  link  between  the  land  and  the  citizen could  work  in  the  other  direction :  the  citizen  wanted  to  be  a la ndowner,  and  his  status  as  a  citizen  served  as  a  basis  for  his claim to  the ownership of land.  (p.97) 土地和公民的联系:公民想要成为土地所有者,而他作为公民的地位是他要拥有土地的基础。

And yet Athens was at the ti me the  city  in  the  Greek world where manu­facture  and commerce  had  reached their greatest  development : in  other  cities  it is  likely  that  the  proportion  of  citizens  with  a share in  la nded  property  was  higher still.  (p.97) 雅典的手工业和商业是发展程度最高的。

The  intellectu al  and  social elite of  Athens was always to  a great extent composed  of landowners,  at  least until  the Peloponnesian War,  when  a  new  evolution  set  in.  (p.97) 雅典的知识和社会精英很大程度上是由土地所有者组成的,至少直到伯罗奔尼撒战争之前,那时一个新的演变发生了。

  It  was only  at the begin­ning of the Peloponnesian  War that a change set in, and one saw some  nouveaux  riches,  whose  fortune  was  not  based  on  landed property,  presume  to  lead  the  people  as  Pericles  and  his  prede­cessors had  done. (p.98) 只有在伯罗奔尼撒战争开始后,才出现了新变化,一些新富试图领导人民,而他们的财富不是基于土地。

A  few  words may be said  here  on  a  su bject which  has  been  at the  centre  of  a  long  controversy,  namely  the  question  of  the inalienabil ity of  land 1o. 1t  has been  maintained that land  remained inaliena ble  in  Attica  right  down  to  the  Peloponnesian  War, and that  the  restriction  then  disappeared  because  of  the  upheaval caused  by  the  war  [see  no  65 ]. (p.98) 土地的不可转让性:在阿提卡,土地直到伯罗奔尼撒战争都是不可转让 的,而战争带来的动荡使得这限制消失了。

That the Peloponnesian  War did affect  the conditions  of  land  tenure  in  Attica  is  certain,  and  besides  it  is obviously  true  that in  the fourth  century  land  was  alienable ;  the fact  is,  however, that for  the fourth  century the sources are much fuller  than  before (notably the orators) .  (p.98) 可以确定,伯罗奔尼撒战争对阿提卡土地保有条件产生了影响,并且显然在四世纪时土地是可以转让的;事实是,四世纪的资料比之前更丰富了。

The metics 
The metics were free men,  both Greek and non-Greek, domiciled in  Athens or  in  Attica,  some  in  a  more  or  less  permanent  way, others  for  a  more limited period of time.  (p.99) 

Metics were subj ected to  a  number of different obligations :  they  had to pay  the  metoikion  (the  tax  on  the  metics),  which  may  not have been very high  (12 drachmae a  year for grown-up men, 6  drach­mae  for  adult  women  if  they  lived  on  their  own) ,  but  which sym bolized  the  inferiority  of  their  status  as  compared  with citizens. (p.99) 外邦人有许多义务,他们必须付外邦人头税,税不高,但表明他们的地位低于公民。

Metics  also  each  had  to  find  a prostates  (a  patron) ,  an  Athenian  citizen  who  would  undertake to  represent  them  at  law  [see  no  64] .   (p.99) 外邦人要找到一个保护人,在法律上代表他们。

 Finally the  metics  were  subjected  according  to  their  wealth  to  the  same financial obligations as citizens  (l iturgies, war taxes  see Chapter 6) .   (p.100) 最后,外邦人根据他们的财富要像公民履行相应的金融义务。

These obligations may not have been particul arly burden some, but  all  the  same  the  status  of metic suffered  from  a  number  of obvious limit ations as compared with that of citizen . (p.100) 这些义务可能不是很重,但外邦人要受到很多的限制。

The econ omic consequ ences of this restriction can easily be imagined : being debarred  from  the  right to  own  land,  metics automatically turned  to  all  forms  of economic  activity  other  than  agriculture, such  as  manufacture,  com merce,  banking  business,  etc.  (p.100) 这些限制在经济上产生的后果很容易想象:由于被禁止拥有土地,外邦人就转向了其他行业,如手工业、商业、金融业等等。

It  is  difficult  to  attempt  a  genuine  hi story  of  the  Athenian metics  before  the  end  of  the  fifth  century :  it  is  only  then  and specially for the fourth century that adequate  sources are  avail­able. (p.100) 很难建构五世纪末期之前的雅典外邦人的历史,只有在此之后,特别是四世纪,才有足够的资料。

The  answer,  whether  given by  philosophers, statesmen  or  just  ordinary  citizens,  is  not  in  doubt :  the  city needed  the  metics,  because  of  all  the  economic  services  they provided  (man ufacture,  trade) ,  because  of  the  revenues  they 
brought  to  the  city  without  costing  anything,  and  because  of their  use  in  the  army  and  navy  [see  nos  74,  I22,  I27,  I28,  I29J . (p.101) 哲学家、政治家和普通的公民都认为:由于外邦人提供的经济服务、他们给城邦带来的收入以及他们在军队和海军中的使用,雅典需要他们。

The  point  needs  underscoring :  the  presence  of  metics  was  not merely tolerated  but actively encouraged  by the  city  (and as will be  seen  below  citizens  did  not  consider  metics  to  be  rivals  in economic  activity) .  (p.101) 需要强调的是:外邦人的存在不仅得到容忍,而且受到城邦的鼓励。

The slaves
In practice  slaves  in Athens  enj oyed some protection  from  the law : one  could not maltreat a  slave  or put him to  death with  imp unity (the  murder  of  a  slave,  as  th at  of  a  metic,  was  assimilated  to involuntary  homicide) .  But  the  slave  had  no  legal  personality : (p.101) 在实际中,雅典的奴隶享有一定的法律保护:任何人不能残暴对待奴隶或者杀死奴隶却不受惩罚。但奴隶没有法律上的人格(他们需要由主人代表)。

On  the  functions  performed  by  slaves  in  Athens one can  lay down  as  a  general  rule  that  there  were  hardly  any  specifically servile activities, and that slaves did much the same things as free men  in  Athens.  (p.102) 奴隶的功能:奴隶没有什么独特的服务活动,他们和自由民做同样的事。

 slaves were to be  found in  more or less  every  branch  of Athenian  activity,  and doing the same  work as free men :  agriculture, commerce, manu­facture,  domestic  work,  etc.   (p.102) 奴隶在雅典的活动的各个分支中或多或少地都存在,他们 像自由民一样做着相同的事情,如农业,商业,手工业,家务活街等。

The  real  distinction  lay  in  the  conditions  under which  work  was performed.  A  free  man  worked  (or  wanted to 
work)  for  himself,  whereas  the  majority  of  slaves  worked  for someone  else  (with  the  exception  of those  few  privileged  slaves who enjoyed a certain de facto  independence) .    (p.102) 真正的区别是:自由民为自己而工作,而奴隶为他人工作。

The legal  categories  do  not  correspond to  social classes法律范畴并不对应于社会阶层

 They were clearly defined :  any  movement,  whether  in an  upward  or  a  downward direction,  went  directly  from  one  category  to  the  next  without going  through  intermediate  stages.   (p.103) (公民、外邦人和奴隶)界定得十分清楚:任何变动,无论向上还是向下,都是直接从一个范畴直接到另一个范畴,没有过渡形态。

But from  a  social  point of view the Athenians did not constitute a  single  social  cl ass.  There  were  among  them  considerable differences  in  wealth,  with  at  the  top  of  the  scale  a  sma ll  very wealthy minority,  at the  bottom  the  poor Athenians who owned little  or no  land  (the  thetes) ,  although  it  is  im possible to  draw  a very  clear  line  between  rich  and  poor  (in  our  sense  of the  word) . (p.103) 但从社会角度来看,雅典人并没有组成一个单一的社会阶层。他们在财富有着相当地不同,顶端是一小部分富有者,底层是大多数的穷人,没有或只有很少的土地。

In  the  fifth century,  metics  in  Athens  were  generally  Greeks,  and  tended  to prefer to settle in  Athens in a  more or less  permanent way ;  on  the social  plane these metics could  achieve a high  degree of assimila­tion with the  Athenian  community  [see  nos  67,  68,  69 ].  In  the fourth  century,  by contrast,  metics tended in  increasing numbers to be 'ba rbarians' from  many different countries - Thrace, Lydia, Caria, Phoenici a, Egypt, etc .   (p.104) 在五世纪,雅典的外邦人大多是希腊人,并且倾向于以某种固定的方式定居于雅典;在社会层面上,他们很大程度上同化于雅典人。而四世纪,外邦人中来自许多不同国家的野蛮人的数量大大增加,他们跟希腊的外邦人正相反。

What did  citizens  think  of  the  metics ?  To  be  s'u re,  traces  of hostility  against them are found in certain writers  [see no 74] ;  it is  generally  a  question  of  so urces  with  an  anti-democratic  and xenophobic  bias  which  complain  of  the  freedom  granted.  to foreigners  and  sla ves  in  Athens  (as  compared  with  Sparta,  for example).  (p.104) 公民如何看待外邦人:可以确定,在某些作家中有对他们的敌意的痕迹。他们反民主,排外,抱怨赋予外邦人和奴隶以在雅典的自由。

The traces of  hostility against metics that one occasionally comes  across have at their root xenophobic feelings or social  prej udices ;  what  is  never  at  issue  is  economic  rivalry  of any kind  between  citizens  and  metics.   (p.104) 对外邦人的敌意根源于排外情绪或者社会偏见,但从来不是由于公民和外邦人在经济上的竞争。

Again, as with  metics, there were  great differences in  social status among  slaves  in  Athens.  'S ome  enj oyed  an  almost  privileged position,  like  the  public  slaves  or  the  slaves  'living  apart',  who were  in  practice  more  or  less  free  and  whose  position  did  not differ  much  from  th at  of  sm all  free  artis ans.  DomestiC  slaves might hope to  be manumitted  sooner or later.   (p.105) 和外邦人一样,雅典奴隶的社会地位也有很大不同。一些公共奴隶接近于自由民,家内奴隶或早或晚可能会被释放,但在矿上的奴隶就比较悲惨。

Given  all  these  differences  in  the  position  and  origin  of slaves  in Athens  it  will  be  readily  understood  why  Athens  in  spite  of the num bers of  slaves it owned - which must have been high17  - never  (p.105) 
experienced  any  sl ave  revolts  (that  is,  of  course,  organized revolts),  unlike  Sparta  and  other  archaic  societies  where  Helot revolts  were  a  permanent  re ality.  Athenian  slaves  had  neither unity, nor any class consciousness, nor any common programme of action.  All  they  could  demand  was  simply their freedom,  and even  that  on  a  purely  individual  basis.  Since  access  to  political power  was  unthinka ble  for  them,  the  only  form  of  action  to which they could  resort was  simply running away when a favour­able  opportunity arose :  thus  the occupation of  Deceleia in Attica 
by the  Peloponnesians and  their  allies  from  413 onwards caused many flights of slaves  [see  no 76] .  (p.106) 正因为雅典奴隶的来源和地位各不相同,所以雅典尽管奴隶人数很多,但不担心会有奴隶暴动。奴隶没有统一,没有阶级意识,没有任何共同的活动。他们所要的只是自由和个人基础。他们不追求政治权利,唯一想要的是在有利的时机逃跑,如伯罗奔尼撒战争中的奴隶逃亡。

It  has  often  been  said  that  the competition  of  sl ave  labour  had  aggravated  the  position  of  the poorer  citizens  and  had  fostered  tension  between  them  and  the slaves.  Had  this  been  the  case  there  would  certainly  have  been 
echoes  of this  rivalry in the sources, but in  fact there are none. ……It  would  not  seem,  then,  that  poor  citizens  saw  in 
sl aves  possible  rivals ;  on  the  contrary,  they  regarded  them  as 'working  compan ions 'I9. ……Inscriptions  on  temple  buildings  illustrate  very  well the  absence of economic  co mpetition  between  the  different legal  categories : one  can  see  there  citizens, metics and  sla ves working together on the  same  site,  doing  the  same  kind  of  work  and  being  paid  the same  sal ary  [see  no  73 ].  (p.106) 经常说奴隶劳动的竞争恶化了穷人的地位,导致了二者的对立。但资料中并无此证据。……穷人不仅没有把奴隶看成竞争者,反而视为工作伙伴……神庙里碑铭表明,三个不同的法律范畴的成员并没有经济上的竞争关系:公民、外邦人和奴隶在相同的地点,做着相同的工作,得到相同的薪水。

The economic effectiveness of the  Athenian type  of state

A  number  of aristocratic  value  ju dgments  against work were deliberately combatted.  There was in  Athens a  law  attribu­ted  to  Solon  (w hether  rightly  or  wrongly does not matter,  since the  law  certainly existed  in  the  classical period)  directed  against idleness,  which  instructed  citizens to  teach their sons a  trade  (see no  37].  Another  law  forbade  someone  to  reproach  anyone  else with his poverty or the trade he exercised  (see  no 12]. To practice a  manual craft  did not disqualify citizens from enj oying their full political  rights,  and  in  the  assem bly  were  to  be  found  many 
citizens who were  artisans,  shopkeepers,  workers and traders2o ;  (p.107) 许多贵族的反对工作的价值观受到反对。雅典有条反对懒惰,命令公民教儿子贸易。从事手工业没有妨碍公民享有政治权利。

 In  general  one  may  note  in  fifth-century  Athenian literature  an  evolution  in  ideas :  traditio nal  value  ju dgments on 
wealth and poverty and the moral qualities which were supposed to  be  connected  with  them  are  occasionally  questioned2 I• (p.107) 总的来说,在五世纪和四世纪的文学中有一种观念上的演变:传统的关于贫富和道德的价值判断受到质疑。

All these  new attitudes exercised some influence on the economic evolution of  the city :  Athens was in  the  fifth  century  (and  rem ained in  the  fourth)  the  most devel­oped  Greek  city from  the  economic  point  of  view,  and  the  real commercial centre of  the whole of  the eastern Mediterranean. To account  for  this  expansion,  one  must  no  doubt  bring  into  play factors  other  than  the  evolution  of  ideas  (in  particular  the political  suprem acy of the  Athenian  empire  in  the  fifth  century), but the freer atmosphere of  Athens must undoubtedly have made its  contribution  too. (p.107) 这些新观念使得雅典成为经济发展程度最高的城邦,是东地中海的商业中心。这毫无疑问要归于观念的革新和雅典的自由氛围。

But  was  the  evol ution  a  rad ical  one ?  It  seems  not,  and  it appears  to  have  rem ained  circumscri bed  within certain limits22• One  may first  point  out  that  the legi slation encouraging  work and economic  activity  would  not  have  been  necessary  if  hostile (p.107)  
attitudes  had  not  existed.  (p.108) 但这不是真正根本性的变革。事实上仍存在着强大的反对声音。

6  The  Greek  Cities  and Economic  Problems 

Policy of imports  and not  exports 
 The fact is that strictly  speaking there could not be any national industry  or commerce because of the considerable  role played in the whole  of economic activity by outsiders (notably metics) ,  both in manufacture and  in all trading activity, whether imp ort or export trade, and whether long range or  short range. There is  really no  such  thing  as  'Athenian  industry ' or 'Athenian trade'  (concepts which, in fact,  cannot be translated into  Greek) .   (p.114) 由于相当多的外邦人参与经济活动,所以很难说有什么真正的国家工业或商业,因此也就没有所谓的“雅典工业”或“雅典贸易”。

Another  factor  which  prevented  the  development of modern­style economic policies in  Greek  cities  was the fragmentation  of economic  activity.  Not  only  was  econ omic  activity  shared  out among cit� . zens  and non-citizens, but it generally  remained  small scale  in  its  organization.    (p.114) 另一个妨碍现代经济概念应用的因素是希腊城邦在经济活动上的分散性。不仅经济活动在公民和非公民中共同存在,而且在组织形态一直保持很小的规模。

The import trades
one can catch  glimpses of  the imp ortant place that food supplies might hold in Athenian foreign  policy.  The concern  to  control  directly or indirectly the sources of the supply of  corn was a recurring factor in her policy. (p.115) 从雅典的外交政策可以看出雅典或多或少地试图控制粮食供应来源。

But it  is  only for  the fourth  century  that one  has  more specific evidence  about  the  means  used  by  the  Athenians  to  safeguard their  supplies  and  the  relations  they  mainta ined  with  certain states or rulers who controlled important supplies of  corn.  (p.116) 直到四世纪才有具体的证据表明雅典人用一些手段来确保粮食供应和维持和主要粮食供应城邦或统治者的关系。

  It is  also known that in Athens the assembly of  the people had  to  include  regularly  on  its  agenda  the  question  of the  corn supply as  well as the defence of  the city's territory :  both  problems were on  the  same  level8 •  (p.116) 雅典公民大会经常讨论粮食供应问题,就像讨论城邦防卫一样,二者同等重要。(此外,雅典有各种法令鼓励粮食进口并限制粮食出口)

The grain trade  is  the  only  trade  which  Athenian  law  sought to  regulate in this way :  it is  clear that the only concern of  the city here  was  to  ensure  the  regu larity  of  imp orts  and  protect  the interests  of  the  citizen-consumers.   (p.116) 粮食贸易是唯一一个雅典法律试图进行管理的贸易。城邦关心的是确保进口和保护公民消费者的利益。

The special  character  of the economic preoccupations of  Greek cities  must  be  underscored ;  strictly  speaking  they  were not con­cerned  with economic  problems  as  such  but with political  ones. (p.118) 希腊城邦关心经济严格来说不是出于经济上的考虑,而是政治上的考虑。

The fiscal policy  of Greek  cities
For  the  rest,  the  overriding  preoccupation  of  the  city  was simply  to  secure  its  reven ues,  and  here  again  the  limits  of this policy are apparent. The fiscal policy  of  Greek cities  was  generally speaking of  a very rudimentary kind, both in its obj ectives and in its methods.      (p.118) 除了(前面提到的粮食以及战略物资),希腊城邦对其它经济活动的关心只是为了确保它的收入。城邦的财政政策是很原始的,无论是从它的对象还是方法来说。

The  way  in  which  Greek  cities  disposed  of  any  surpluses  of revenue  is  characteristic  of their  economic mentality :  instead  of seeking  to  invest  them  profitably,  they  tended  to  spend  them large"ly  on  non-economic  enterprises - prestige projects in which pride  and  civic  patriotism  were  allowed  to  express  themselves freely  with  naive  self-satisfaction,  such  as  the  construction  of public  monuments, both  religious  and secular. (p.119) 对于财政盈余,希腊人不是用于投资收益,而用在了非经济事业上,如大型公共建筑等。

Another  way  for  Greek  cities  to  spend  the  surplus  of  their revenues  was the (more or less direct) redistribution of  the wealth of  the city among the citizens  [see nos 20, III,  II5] . 1t was an old idea,  widely accepted  among  the  Greeks,  that  the  wealth of the city belonged to  all the citizens  (and not ju st the  poorer  ones) I2 ; a  citizen  might  go  so  far  as  to  expect  to  be  maintained  at  the expense of  the city .  (p.119) 另一种处理财政盈余的方式是在公民当中分配财富。这是一种古老的观念,古希腊人广泛接受的,即城邦的财富属于全体公民;一个公民甚至可以依赖城邦的供给为生。

There is  a  strong  temptation  to  describe  all  such  distributions and  su bventions  as  emanating from  the  abstract  's tate ',  but the temptation must be firmly resisted. The 'state' did not exist as an abstraction  for  the  citizens I6•  It  was  not  the  'state'  which  dis­tributed money to Athenians who wished to attend performances at  the theatre during  the festivals of  Dionysus, in the same way as Social  Security  pays  out  sickness  benefits ;  what  happened  was that  the  Athenians  redistributed  among  themselves  part  of  the revenues of  the community.  (p.120) 有人试图将这些分配描述为从那个抽象的“国家”中发出,但这是错的。对于公民来说,国家不是作为一个抽象物而存在。并不是有一个抽象的国家在分配财富,而只不过是雅典人在自己当中分配共同体的收入的一部分。

The Greek cities  and  their  revenues :  mines
For Greek cities which had imp ortant mines on  their territory or in  their  sphere  of  control  (and  this  was  always  the  exception : generally  speaking  the  essential  sou rces of metal,  both  precious and common, were to  be found outside the Greek worldI7) ,  there was a  source  of revenue which  could  not be allowed to remain in the  form  of  private  property.  The  general  tendency  for  Greek cities  was  therefore  to  monopolize  the  ownership  of  mines  in order  to  ensure  their- revenues  [see  nos  20,  94] .   (p.120) 有矿的城邦一般会进行专营,以保证矿场收入。

Direct  and  regular  taxes  on  the  property  of  citizens  and especia lly their  persons were usually avoided ; they were  felt to  be degrading. ……By  contrast there  was no  hesitation  in  taxing non-citizens.  (p.121) 对公民的财产和个人的直接和常规征税是他们通常要避免的;他们觉得这是可耻的。……而对非公民他们就毫不犹豫了。

Here a  con venient way round  was avail­able,  in  that  it  was an  accepted principle  in  Greek cities that the wealthier citizens had  a  moral  obligation  to  spend  their  wealth for  the  public  good  [see  no  97].  This  obligation,  although  un­written, was strongly felt  and  consequently  impossi ble  to  avoid altogether. (p.121) 富有的公民有义务为城邦的公共事务做贡献,这虽不是成文的,但却是不可逃避的。

In  spite  of  the  frequently  high  expenses incurred in  the  discharge of liturgies, they were not  thought  of  as strictly  economic  services,  but  as  civic  services  with  honorific connotations. (p.122) 尽管花费很大,它们并不视为纯粹的经济服务,而作为带有崇敬意味的公民服务。

Indirect  taxes,  by  contrast,  were  frequently  resorted  to  by Greek cities and  were one  of their  main  sources  of revenue  [see no  92].  What  was  characteristic  here  was  the  almost  complete absence of any discri mination  between  citizens  and non-citizens in  the  raising  of these  taxes  (p.122) 间接税经常为希腊城邦所使用,是他们的主要收入之一。其特点是在征税中不分公民和非公民。

The city taxed economic  activity in its  various forms  in  different ways,  without ever  wondering whether it  was thereby  harming the interests  of citizens  or  not.  (p.122) 城邦用各种方法对经济活动进行征税,而不管它是否伤害了公民的利益。

Generally  speaking  it  would  appear  that  before  the Hellenistic period taxes on economic  activity  only  served  a purely 
fiscal  purpose  of  raising  reven ue.  The  idea  of erecting  customs (p.122) 
barriers to protect the  'na tional'  industry  or trade does  not  even seem  to  have  occurred  to  anyone.  (p.123) 总的来说,在希腊化时期之前,对经济活动进行征税似乎只是单纯为了增加收入这一财政目的。建立关税障碍以保护民族工业的观念还未出现。

The  exploitation  of  economic  activity  for  fiscal  purposes originated, as has been seen, in the archaic  period (see Chapter 3).  (p.123) 对经济活动征税起源于古风时期。

The control of  economic  activity 
The raising of these  various  indirect' taxes  was  generally carried out  by  private  contractors.  The  farming  of  the  taxes  was  auc­tioned  by  the  city.  (p.123) 间接税的征收通常由私人承包者承担。由城邦进行拍卖。

 But there  also  existed  a  number of magis­tracies  which  dealt  with  economic  activity  in  general,  (p.123) 但有许多管理经济活动的行政官员。

 Occasionally in some oligarchic  states  the  wish  to  supervise  economic  activity  was prompted by deeper motives and it  was economic activity as such that was to  be kept under control.   (p.124) 在寡头制城邦,监管经济活动的愿望更加强烈,并且试图控制经济活动。

The Greek  cities  and  coinage
 In  the classical period, the use of coinage became  more and more wide­spread,  and  in  Athens  in  the  fourth  century  all  values  were eventu ally  expressed  in  monetary  terms.   (p.124) 在古典时期,货币的使用日趋广泛,在雅典四世纪时所有的价值都最终用货币术语来表达。

However,  coinage always preserved  some  aspects  which  one could  hardly  describe as strictly economic23 ;  the possession  of an  autonomous coinage was  a  symbol  of political  independence, and  the  right  to  strike coinage  was  of  course  an  exclusive  privilege  of  the  city.  (p.124) 

Usually, however, most Greek cities did not seek to impose their coinage abroad and were in any case not  in a position  to  do so (even Athens  had only limited success  in her  attempt,  it  seems ).  (p.125) 通常希腊城邦不寻求在国外推行货币,同时也没有这个条件,即使雅典也并不成功。

On  the  other  hand,  they  did naturally  impose  the  use  of  their  own  coins  within  their  own territory,  though  not  necessarily  to  the  exclusion  of other  coin­ages,  and  could  at  ti mes take direct steps  to  enforce  this,  as has been  shown  again  by  a  recently  discovered  Athenian  law  on coinage  of  375 -374  [see  no  I02] .  (p.125) 另一方面,他们会自然而然地在本国强制推行货币。




Vita humana est supplicium.

