Cleisthenes and Attica

P22 The justification for yet another article lies, I hope, in its different approach, from the...

The Mirror of Herodotus

François Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus: The Representation of the Other in the Writing of History,...

Homer: Mistake and Moral Error

A.W.H. Adkins (i) The Agathos and his Areteboth elenchistos and aischron decry failure in war: and t...

Morals and Values in Homer

A. A. Long Source: Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 90, 1970, pp. 121-39. Irene J. F. De....


王宁、褚斌杰等:《经史说略——十三经说略》,北京:北京燕山出版社,2002年。 刘起釪:《尚书》说略一、先秦最早的《书》一一残缺的古代历史文献、孔子教授门徒两教材之一二、汉代成为儒家五经之一,始称《...